Why I haven't heard of Kangra Tea, especially when if it is globally so well Recognised & Awarded?

Why I haven't heard of Kangra Tea, especially when if it is globally so well Recognised & Awarded?

Kangra Tea was one of the most favourite of beverages for the Britishers and they self-interestedly reserved it mostly for themselves & their own families back in the West.

After surviving the devastating Great Himalayan Earthquake (1905) and the Colonialists themselves, the industry has barely managed to free itself from the middlemen. Up until even now, most of this ultra-premium tea still gets exported, fetching top dollars for the exporters, with hardly any value flowing back to the growers & laborers in the valley.

It is only now, that a few local aspirants like us, have taken up the challenge to bring the past glory back to the Kangra Tea which is grown authentically only in that specific micro-climate (GI Tagged) of the Kangra Valley.

1. Kangra Tea is naturally a specialty Ultra-Premium Tea with a distinct golden brew and a sweet undertone. But without any astringencies associated with Premium Teas. Adjudged as The “World’s Best” in several global European competitions stands strongly so its testament.

2. Several published papers in high impact factor National & International Medical Journals verify that Kangra Tea has strong nutraceutical properties. Aiding immunity with Anti-Viral & Anti-Biotic effects. Likewise, Kangra Tea has been documented to keep in check Diabetes & Liver issues. While preventing Brain-Disorders & certain types of Cancers.  Additionally, it is ascertained with Research that it is a potential Probiotic. That packs a serious punch of Anti-Oxidants and has a Stimulatory effect on growth.

* Write to us, at Support@KangaraTeaHouse.com. If you want to know more on Kangra Tea’s Health Benefits, please visit www.KangraTeaHouse.com

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